Get active in your neighborhood
Discover Ancora’s curated selection of activities happening in your municipality to boost your mental and physical wellbeing. Need help choosing the right one? Ask your coach for advice.
See what's happening in your region
Select your region and municipality to find a full overview of recommended activities. Most of them are free to join and they’re a great way to meet new people!
Select your activity
Add local health and lifestyle activities
Do you offer any (mental) health, nutrition or fitness activities not covered on this page? Contact us and we can add them.
Feel fitter and enjoy your life!
Privacy by design
Privacy by design
We know your personal data is important to you. As we handle sensitive information related to your health, you can trust us to adhere to the highest standards of data protection.
We are committed to using your personal information for these two purposes: giving you personalized and actionable information on your health, as well as improving the science behind your Personal Health Passport. For more details on our data protection standards, please visit the Privacy Policy on our website:Â